What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?

If you’re a foodie like me, chances are you’ve paid attention when hearing specific comments about certain food or drink. Like what? How about that a Guinness stout tastes better in Ireland, how fish is fresher in the Caribbean, or that a Philly Cheesesteak is the tastiest when made right in Philadelphia.

Philly Cheesesteak

However, my guess is, where ever it’s made is only part of the equation. Most likely, it’s a combination of many factors that provide the final impression. Details such as location and atmosphere, the company you are with, the ingredients in the dish, your mood, and time of day probably all play a role.

Earlier this month, our family visited The Chancery, a favorite local Wisconsin pub and restaurant known for casual fare in a relaxed environment. Since we’ve been there often, each of us knows what we’ll like on the menu and what we’ll order again and again based on past experience with the food.

Anyway, that particular evening, my wife’s Teriyaki Chicken Pita meal was stellar (sorry, no photo available). Carrie’s comment to the server was that her dish was “…the best one she’d ever had.”

Now Carrie has ordered that item literally dozens of times. What made that specific entree stand out most? I’m not exactly sure. Obviously, the ingredients were most likely fresh, the chef was on “his game” that night, and all elements came together so that it truly was a quality meal.

So what do you do when presented with an outcome like that? Well, for starters, just telling the server probably didn’t do it justice. Would our server ever remember to inform the chef how pleased Carrie was with her meal? Did the General Manager even hear about it? Did her most praise worthy compliment even linger past that night? Probably not.

In the internet age, it seems appropriate to post something positive in writing so that the staff responsible will be complimented for their efforts and thus continue to strive for excellence. However, given this particular circumstance, is a standard Facebook Comment sufficient or just a Mention on Twitter enough?

These days, a written letter or postcard seems like morse code in comparison to the many electronic resources we have to communicate with each other. Yet, would using one of these methods stand out most?

When was the last time you received “a best meal?” What did you do to communicate to the owner, management or staff how you felt about it?

If your next dinner entree became a “best meal,” would you put your thoughts in writing so others knew how happy you were with the restaurant and your experience? How would you handle it?

Please note: I’m not a dining critic, nor was I under any obligation to promote this restaurant. I received no perks for promoting The Chancery (except an awesome meal which we paid for). I’m merely expressing my opinion based on my experience. Please comment, share or retweet if you enjoyed reading my post!

Duane Drzadinski is a marketing professional, father and social media enthusiast. Connect with him and continue the conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn.

One thought on “What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?

  1. I wanted to say thank you for the positive feedback in your blog. Hope to see you at the Chancery again soon.

    Matt Prostek
    Assistant Manager
    The Chancery Pub and Grill

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