Making Pennies Count

Growing up, I always could spot my grandfather picking up loose change on the streets when we were in public. And why not? Spare change adds up. Maybe not in a week, or a month, but definitely over time.

This past month, when having extra cash should have been essential over the holidays for everyone, I was surprised to find a plethora of loose monies on the streets. Almost everyday, I found myself bending down and grabbing a few pennies, dimes, or nickles. Is spare change the bastard child of the money family, or are people just that lazy and careless that they feel tossing it aside is acceptable?

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While I could definitely use the money I find, and save it for my next cup of coffee, etc., I’m betting others could use it just the same.

Therefore, I’ve decided to save all the spare change I collect in 2015 and donate it to the CSR Rice Bowl so I can help others benefit thanks to my findings.

The piggy jar already has $0.04 today. How much will be added tomorrow?

Follow the story – #SaveChange

Duane is a marketing professional that is passionate about helping individuals, entrepreneurs and small business owners tell their story online. In addition, in early 2014, he began helping Milwaukee become more sustainable by launching Compost Express, an organic recycling business. Follow him on Twitter @duanedrzadinski

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