A Lesson From Ebay

Every day, I get the chance to talk to prospective customers about the Chevrolet brand and work diligently to get them into a vehicle of their dreams.

Through it all, I hear stories about the memories they have generated driving their current vehicles, and how now is the time for them to get into the next one that will serve them for years to come.

After a short consultation and subsequent test drive, if we find a vehicle that’s right for them, we take the time to get down to business and find a way to make a deal. If I do my job right, handshakes ensue, contracts are written and cars hit the delivery garage waiting for keys from new owners.

Unfortunately, not all transactions result in a new vehicle down the road. Sometimes, even customers can be their own barrier to a purchase. How so? Indecision, financial issues, etc. Reasons vary widely, but they’re just not ready or able to buy at that moment.

My advice? If you do find a vehicle with the features, benefits and qualities that make it exciting for you to own, it’s time to seriously consider a purchase. Why? Incentives change frequently, inventory is limited each model year, and competition from other customers is always behind you. The last thing either of us wants is to lose a sale.

What to do? Ebay knows best. Buy It Now.

Still on the fence? My advice would be to consider putting down a security deposit on your vehicle of choice. Do so will hold the vehicle in our inventory until such time that you can take delivery.

If you still hold back from making a purchase, please bear in mind, “the car you see today might be in someone else’s garage tomorrow.

Has your vehicle seen better days? Ready for a new test drive? Feel free to make an appointment with me at Holz Motors at 414-425-2400 x113 (or email me at ddrzadinski@holzmotors.com). Whether you want to buy a car or lease one, I can help find you the vehicle that will meet your needs.

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